Today Friday the 13 of March 2020
Markets went into freeze in the morning by falling 10%, later on markets recovered with a smart recovery Nifty rising by 365 points reaching 9955 and the sensex ended up by 1325 points reaching 34103. The Carona virus, the main culprit for the market fall in the past week, and Yes Bank problem, Petrol pricing warfare bought down the markets. An extreme incident made the markets fall down and an extreme fall made the markets go up. The recovery might be temporary, as the virus has no cure and the cases are increasing day by day all over the world. The Economy problem is not only related to India, it has spread all over the world. The virus has stopped all economic activity and wealth is not produced. With work being stopped wealth creation stops, so markets have crashed, and the recovery is robust for a temporary phase. The results of companies were average, and the incidents are difficult to face. Stocks are directly related to Economy, and a downward economic activity will lead to fall. So, a long term recovery is anybodys guess and the virus the main culprit is also anyones guess, our whole economic activity hangs in balance.