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Monthly Archives: December 2023

  • Markets were up closing at at 701 points going to72038 points. The conditions for the market are very favourable whereas even a bad news like covid, which is a very mild variant does not deter the market.Ultratech was 10453 rising 4%. shares are in a precarious condition now it is better to wait and watch.

markets today
By |December 27th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on

Markets are unstoppable.

Markets have become unstoppable, and they continue to rise like nobodys business, any share you see is rising by the minute and day, the reasons for the high market is the feel good factor prevailing now. the mood is generally good and the country is prospering to a great extent. Never in a long time markets have advanced to a great extent and money is made. Mutual funds are investing to a large extent and lot of money has come through institutional investors that too domestic institutions have put in money.
By |December 21st, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Markets are unstoppable.