Hello everyone, the weather in my city Bangalore is getting hot and Markets are also hot going up, the conditions are mixed. When markets go down we tend to be pessimistic and say that the Bear phase has started, and to be careful and gains of 2014 will not be there in 2015. But, the market underwent a deep correction and is recovering now. It is good and a lot of trading opportunities are there, if we had bought stocks last week we would have gained a lot this week. The former RBI Governor Subba Rao says that, India is the only country in the BRICS segment which is doing extremely well, with the Inflation being controlled. There will be a lot of fluctuations in the days to come, it is best to book profits periodically and re-enter at low levels. On the whole markets are on a roll it will certainly help those who are patient. HAPPY TRADING AND INVESTING.