The summer is starting in right earnest and the mood in the market is not as hot as the summer, but little cautious ahead of the Rail Budget on Thursday, ie 26th February were expectations are high.Now, coming back to brass stacks ahead of F&O expiry markets were flat F&O expire on Thursday 26th February. Tech and IT stocks have risen as they are not concerned of any budget provisions, only the rupee fluctuation effects these sectors. Many manufacturing Industries are effected by budget provisions.
Overall breadth of the Market was weak, on BSE out of total 3147 shares traded, 1284 advanced and 1731 shares declined and 132 shares were unchanged. The 14th Finance commission recommendations have been accepted by the Government, the states will be given more money to spend which will lead to more development, which can be called Economic Federalism. Through this the Economy will flourish as states have the freedom to develop thereby leading to decentralisation of the Economy, which is good for Stock Market. Markets will do well but it is better to wait for the Budget to complete because of wild price swings.HAPPY TRADING AND INVESTING.BUDGET IS ON 28TH FEBRUARY SATURDAY.